Syntel Company Numerical Ability Number System

A student was asked to multiply a number by 45. But by mistake he multiplied it by 54. The answer he got was 9540 greater than the correct answer which he would had got if he had correctly multiplied by 45. What could be the number ?

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Syntel Other Question

A shopkeeper sells a DVD player for Rs. 2880 and he makes the same percentage of profit as the loss percentage on selling price he makes if he sells at Rs.1920. What is the price at which the shopkeeper should sell this DVD player if he wants to make 30% profit?

a)Rs.3000 b)Rs.3120 c)Rs.3240 d) Rs. 3240
A bag of rice of 40 Kgs is available with Ram. Let Ram sells 60% of the rice he has to Raju at a discount of 5% and sells the remaining rice at a profit of 7%. What is his loss percentage.