Book Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

90,180,12,50,100,200,__,3,50,4,25,2,6,30,3? what is the missing number?

Read Solution (Total 3)

Book Other Question

how many terms of series 5+7+9....... must be taken in order that the sum may be 480? A team miners planned to mine 1800 tons ore during a certain no. of days. Due to technical difficulties in 1/3 of the planned no. of days, the team was able to achieve an o/p of 20 tons of ore less than the planned o/p.To make up for this , the team overachieved for this rest of the days by 20 tons. The end result was that the team completed the task one day ahead of time. How many tons of ore did the team initially plan to ore per day?
a)50 tons
b)100 tons
c)150 tons
d)200 tons