C Programming and Technical Programming Program

A rabbit walk is defined by a sequence of jumps which starts from a
location and returns back to the starting location. We can repesent such
a Rabbit walk by an array A of n numbers, where A[i] denotes the next
array index to which the rabbit should jumps from the location i.
For example, the sequence: 2 3 4 5 0 1 indicates that the Rabbit follows
the jump sequence: 0->2, 2->4, 4->0 and stops.

Your also given another array B of N numbers, such that
B[i] denotes the number of carrots available at location i.
Your task is to compute the number of carrots that a rabbit can collect
when it makes rabbit walk(s) from various start position(s).
A sample input is provided for more clarification(s).

The first line will contain a single integer N which is the size of the
array (2<= N <= 10000).
The next line contains a series of N integers which define the array A.
The next line contains a series of N integers which define the array B.
You can be assured that all the calculations fit into a 32 bit signed
integer type(int in C).

The input is given such that, a rabbit walk will always exist with
start position as 0.

It should contain the number of carrots collected
when 0 is treated as the start location.

Sample Input:
2 2 2 2 -4 -4
2 3 6 3 0 1

Sample Output:

Read Solution (Total 2)

C Other Question

through c programming ,take any real number and convert that number into fraction number
EX:input is 1.5
output is 3/2
void main()
int a;
char *x;
x=(char *)&a;