Accenture Company Verbal Ability Spotting Errors

Correct the error
Because of his ill health, the doctor has advised him (not to refrain) from smoking.
a.) to not refrain from
b.)to resort to
c.)to refrain from
d.)to be refrained from
e.)No correction required.

Read Solution (Total 11)

Accenture Other Question

The crops are drying, (it must not had) rained.

a.) must had not
b.)must not be
c.)must not have
d.)must not have been
e.)No correction required
Fill in the blanks
I learnt from my experience that by-------- my anger and resentment, and by avoiding _________ I could overcome opponents more successfully than could those who openly defied their adversaries.
1. expressing, hostility
2. suppressing, conflict
3. stifling, temperance
4. disguising, deceit
5. rousing, wrath