Accenture Company Verbal Ability Sentence Completion

Limited resolution of early microscopes was one of the reasons of _________ understanding of cells.
1. aided
2. discredited
3. increased
4. contradicted
5. restricted

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Accenture Other Question

Fill in the blanks
I learnt from my experience that by-------- my anger and resentment, and by avoiding _________ I could overcome opponents more successfully than could those who openly defied their adversaries.
1. expressing, hostility
2. suppressing, conflict
3. stifling, temperance
4. disguising, deceit
5. rousing, wrath
A vessel is filled to its capacity with pure milk. Ten litres are withdrawn from it and replaced by water. This procedure is repeated again. The vessel now has 32 litres of milk. Find the capacity of the vessel (in litres).