HR Interview Interview Numerical Ability Algebra

There are 1000 zombies in a research centre, very hungry such that they start eating each other. There are 1 on 4 zombies which can eat two zombies at a time. So, according to the condition that if 1st zombie eat 2nd then 2nd can only eat 1st not any other at same instant, if one of them finished completely then only he can go on next one. If zombies who can eat two at a time takes 1.5 minute to eat both and others who eat one at a time takes 1 minute to eat completely. also zombies who eat 2 at a time have stronger life i.e let 1.5 min. and others have 1minute life , i.e if someone starts eating them. Find the no. of zombies left at last and total time taken till, last zombie left or all finished?
a. 1 left, 562 min.
b. 0 left, 562 min.
c. 1 left, 500 min.
d. 0 left, 500 min.
e. none of these

-by vatan singh
(plz put my name)

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HR Interview Other Question

Q2. If 2^n (^ denotes raised to power) can exactly divide p! then the value of n which is not possible :
a. 43
b. 44
c. 45
d. None of these
anyone suggest me what quesns can be ask in digital electronics and electronic device in technical round.