Syntel Company Verbal Ability Synonyms

The banker's gain on a bill due 1 year hence at 12% per annum is Rs. 6. The true discount is:

A. Rs. 72
B. Rs. 36
C. Rs. 54
D. Rs. 50

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Syntel Other Question

Which is better investment: 11% stock at 143 or 9% stock at 117?

A. 11% stock at 143
B. 39/4% stock at 117

C. Both are equally good
D. Cannot be compared, as the total amount of investment is not given.
Two trains traveling towards each other at 2kmph each are 8km apart. A bird starts at the front of one train and flies towards the other at a speed of 6kmph and on reaching the other train, it flies back towards the first train and repeats. What would be the distance travelled by the bird before the trains finally collide?