TCS Company Category

. The sum of three digits a number is 17. The sum of square of the digits is 109. If we substract 495 from the number, the number is reversed. Find the number.

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TCS Other Question

The credit card and a global payment processing companies have been suffering losses for some time now. A well known company recently announced its quarterly results. According to the results, the revenue fell to $48.0 billion from $69.0 billion, a year ago. By what percent did the revenue fall? A bath tub can be filled by the cold water pipe in 9 minutes and by the hot water pipe in 11.25 minutes. A person left the bathroom after turning on both the pipes simultaneously and returned the moment when the bath tub was full. Finding that the waste pipe had been left open, he closed it. In 3.75 minutes more, the bath tub was full. In what time would the waste pipe empty it?

(a) 6.66 minutes
(b )66.6 minutes
(c) 55.5 minutes
(d) 48 minutes
(e) None of these