Infosys Company

There are two trains. One from New York to Washington and second from Washington to New York. The total journey to a destination takes 5 hours. A train from New York to Washington leaves on hour at every hour The train from Washington to New York leaves an hour and on half an hour. How many trains will be passing if you are traveling from New York to Washington?

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Infosys Other Question

3 policemen and 3 thieves had to cross a river using a small boat. Only two can use the boat for a trip. All the 3 policemen and only 1 thief knew to ride the boat. If 2 thiefs and 1 policeman were left behind they would kill him. But none of them escaped from the policemen. How would they be able to cross the river?
You have with you
(1) a string of 1 meter length
(2) 1 Kg weight
(3) a watch.
Now you want to find out the height of the Tallest tower -- say cn tower of toronto. How many ways can you devise to Measure it? They do not have to be practical, but scientifically Correct. Up to seven methods are child’s play.