exam Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

Geometry figures are often represented by the letters that idendify each vetex. Determine the number of ways that each figure can be named with the following letters: A,B,C,D,E,and

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exam Other Question

Find the product :

(6y + 5)(2y+3)
(a) x+1/2=x+2/3
(b) 2x+3/x=2/3
(c) 3/x=2/1-x
(d) 2-x/3=2x-1/5
(e) 2x-3/4=2/3x
(f) x-1/2=2-x/3
(g) 1-k/3=k+2/2
(h) 2a-3/4=3-a/3
(i) 3/4=t/t+2
(j) 3/4=t/t+2