exam Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

Find K if the given system of equations has infinite no of solutions.
2x+ky=1+2y and kx+12y=3
(1)-4 (2)6 (3)Either (1) or (2) (4) none of these.

i have chosen (3). But theanswer givenis (2). How it could be..?? plz explain this...??

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exam Other Question

You are starting a T-shirt business. your fixed costs are $5,000. It costs $11 to buy each shirt. You plan to sell the shirts for $16 each. Write the total cost function, revenue function, profit function. Find the break even point. Problem#44 Section: 5.3

Find the perimeter of the given figure

the figure is a rectangle on the top for the width it has :


the figures height is:
