exam Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability

Serina is 9 years old. Her mom is 39 years old. In how many years will her mother be 3 times as old as Serena?

9 + 39 = 3x (9+39)
48 = 27x + 117x
48 = 144x
x = 3 but it should be 6 what did I do wrong?

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exam Other Question

Horriable at fractions any help would be greatly appreciated. It is a fraction with the exponet being the 2/3 and 1/3.

(25x^3) 2/3
(125xy^2) 1/3
Given: lines AB, DE, and CF; line CG bisects angle BCF, and the line FG bisects angle CFE and i have to prove angle G is a right angle... if i could draw the picture it would be easier to explain it