Infosys Company

four family names are given clark ,flure,miller ,jac… and their members name are given Stacy ,robin,Erica,mandy . but not in order.( u hav to find which frend belongs to which family) Each friend prepares salad using 3 different fruits . they are given apple, cherry, grape, banana., no two friends uses the same combination.Various conditions are given and 4 ques asked.1. Robin is not belonging to miller family he used apples.2. Erica is not a miller not a Clark.3. Clark family used cherries and grapes but flure used one of these not both.4. Mandy and miller used apples and cherries
1. Which fruit did Mandy didn't used?
2. What are the fruits used in miller salad?
3. Robin belongs to which family?
4. What r the Common fruits used in robin and Erica salads

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Infosys Other Question

I left home early in the morning and returned back in the afternoon. The speciality that i noted was that when i returned, the minute hand was where the hour hand was in the morning and the hour hand was 2 minutes away from where the minute needle was in the morning. When did i return? A man has 50 mangoes and place the 50 mangoes like this the distance betn 1and 2 is 1 yard and the distance betn. 2&3 is 3yard and the distance betn. 3&4 is 5yard like this he increases the distance betn . mangoes in steps of two. after arranging them like that and if he start picking them up how much
yard he has to walk. ??