Elitmus Exam Category

hi guys,
i got in
ph score as
21.7 verbal
62.73 problem solving
61.23 Quant

Are there any chances to get cal from companies ????? please replay....

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Elitmus Other Question

1.xy is any number,difference between them is 3 find xy?
a.xy is odd and both are none prine.

2.(100-n)/n is >16?

3.a semi circle having dimetre AB,C and D are point on semi arc and BC and AD are intersecting at point E, find angle of arc CD?
a.angle AEB=120.
b angle EAB=EBA=30.
there is a cask full of milk E liters are drawn from the cask it is then filled with water this process is repeated now the ratio of milk to water in cask is 16:9 what is the capacity of the cask in liters