If each letter in the English alphabet is assigned an even number such as A = 2, B = 4 and so on, then what will be the total value of the letters in the word LEAD?
1) 42
2) 40
3) 46
4) 44
5) None of these

Read Solution (Total 2)

GENPACT Other Question

If '×' means '-'. '÷' means '×', '-' means '+' and '+' means '÷', then what is the value of 13 ÷ 18 + 3 - 23 ×17?
1) 28
2) 8
3) 72
4) 84
5) None of these
The average of 6 quantities is 8. The average of 4 of them is 5. What is the avg. of the remaining 2 numbers?