Infosys Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

There is a T-agency in Mangalore and Bangalore. Total time taken in 9hrs. Trucks starts from both points at 6 a.m to 9 p.m in one hr intervals.
a. The truck when starts at 6 a.m in the morning mets how many trucks on the way.
b. How many trucks a truck which starts at 9 p.m will meet.

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Infosys Other Question

A gardener has a peculiar way of planting trees. He plants 100 ft. towards east, then he plants 100ft. towards north 100ft. towards west, 98fts towards south. From that 98fts towards east, from that point 96fts towards north. When a man starts walking in the middle of the path outside garden. What is the total distance he traveled to reach the centre. Ramesh has X rupees, on Monday beginning of the month. On every Monday his mother gives 10 rupees as pocket money. He spends half of what he had during that week on the 4th Monday of the month, when his mother gave his pocket Monday, he had 27 1/2 rupees . What was the Money he had in the beginning.