Infosys Company Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

My neighbor has seven children. Every brother has equal no. of brothers and sisters, but each sister has twice as many brothers as sisters. How many brother & sister?

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Infosys Other Question

5. Boys are allowed to watch football at c.v.Raman auditorium subjected to conditions.
1. the boy over age 16 can wear overcoat
2. no boy over age 15 can wear cap
3. to watch the football either he has to wear overcoat or cap or both
4. a boy with an umbrella or above 16 or both cannot wear sweater.
5. boys must either not watch football or wear sweater.
What is the appearance of the boy who is watching football.
There are 11more animals than birds in a pet shop. If there are as many birds as animals and if there are as many animals as birds the no. of legs is 4/5 of the original. How many birds and animals are there?