Infosys Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

A vender sold two things at same cost of 12 RS with one item at 25%profit and other at 20%loss,by this transaction he made profit or loss by how much

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Infosys Other Question

Ramesh has X rupees, on Monday beginning of the month. On every Monday his mother gives 10 rupees as pocket money. He spends half of what he had during that week on the 4th Monday of the month, when his mother gave his pocket Monday, he had 27 1/2 rupees . What was the Money he had in the beginning. Two friends A and B are running up hill and then to get down! length of road is 440 yards. A on his return journey met B going up at 20 yards from top, A has finished the race 5 minutes earlier than B, then how much time A had taken to complete the race.