HCL Company Category

............return a value ,but .............never return value.
1)Function,sub routine
2)sub routine,Function
3)Procedure, Function

Read Solution (Total 6)

HCL Other Question

in complete tree with 5 level,each node have 4 child or no child ,how many node in the tree,
1>321 2>256 3>1024 4>non of these .
Triplet who usually wear same kind and size of shoes, namely, Annie, Danny, Fanny. Once one of them broke a glass in kitchen and their shoe prints were there on floor of kitchen. When their mother asked who broke Annie said, ?I didn?t do it?; Fanny said ?Danny did it?; Danny said ?Fanny is lieing?; here two of them are lieing, one is speaking truth. Can you find out who broke it ? (3 Marks)

Sol : Annie