GENPACT Company Logical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning

At the recent downhill mountain bike race 4 entrants entered a challenging slalom event. Prem came first. The entrant wearing no 2 wore red. whereas kian did not wear yellow. the loser wore blue and rahul wore no 1.Sanjay beat rahul and the person who came second wore no 3.te entrant in yellow beat the entrant in green. Only one of the entrant s wore the same number and the final position. Determine who finished 3rd, the no and the color they wore?
a) Rahul 1 green b) rahul 2 red c)Kiran 4 blue dnone of these

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GENPACT Other Question

A husband and wife has a combined age of 91.the husband is now twice as old as his wife was when he was as old as she is now. How old are they? A rich aristocrat decided that he would give every man rs.45 and every women Rs.60.Only one nineth of the man and only one twelfth of the women collected their dues .Can u tell me how much money thath aristocrat spent if their were 3552 people in total
a)17760 b)18540 c)16320 d)14640