Elitmus Exam Verbal Ability Sentence Completion

What does the author imply about contract lawyers and airplane pilots?
a)That they understand the value of redundancy

b)That they are virtuous

c)That they know the significance of "the highest-valued alternative use"

d)That they use a lot of redundant phrases

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Elitmus Other Question

( U R G E N T !!!!)
Any body had given 7Cloud Wirtten Test my frndz(he is not a member in m4maths) have a call from 7Cloud plz post if u can or ur frndz/mates attended 7Cloud written+Interview
(note: my interviw date on 25 nov)
Bharti is a history teacher.in addition to above rule of the school she teaches exactly one pair of successive classes in adjacent classrooms.how many distinct trips to classes rooms are possible for Bharti if there are 12 classroom in school.