Pointing to a boy in the photograph Reena said, "He is the only son of the only child of my grandfather." How Reena is related to that boy?

A. Mother B. Sister
C. Aunt D. Cannot be determined

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GENPACT Other Question

Pointing to a girl Sandeep said, "She is the daughter of the only sister of my father." How is sandeep related to the girl?

A. Uncle B. Cousin
C. Father D. Grandfather
A * B means A is the sister of B
A $ B means B is the mother of A
A + B means A is the brother of B
A = B means B is the father of A.
Which of the following means M is the maternal uncle of N?
A. M = P + Q * N B. N + P = Q * M
C. N * P $ Q * M D. None of these