
Walking at 4/5 of his usual speed a man is 10 mins too late. find his usual time.

A. 81 mins

B. 64 mins

C. 52 mins

D. 40 mins

E. None

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GENPACT Other Question

Two trains started from the same point. At 8:00 am the first train traveled East at the rate of 80 mph. At 9:00 am, the second train traveled West at the rate of 100 mph. At what time were they 530 miles apart? One of the two buses completes a journey of 300 miles in 7 1/2 hours and the other journey of 450 miles in 10 hours. the ratio of their average speed is

A. 2:3

B. 4:5

C. 3:4

D. 8:9

E. 5:6