Numerical Ability
Alligation or Mixture
729ml of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 7:2. how much water is to be added to get a new mixture containing milk and water in the ratio 2:1?
A)112.5ml B)5 ml C)121.5 ml D)215 ml
Read Solution (Total 3)
- In 729ml milk amount is (7/9)*729=567
Water amount is (2/9)*729=162
our aim is water in the mixture half of milk.
Half of milk is 283.5
water to be added to get 283.5 is 162+121.5
So ans is 121.5ml - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(0)
- C.(567-(162+x))=2/1
- 13 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(7)
- option c) is correct answer
simple: total 729 ml right so 7:2 means 567ml milk, and 162ml water.
he asked that we need to get ratio 2:1 so how much we need to add to 162ml to get half of the 567 thats it simple.answer to questions - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(0)
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