Wipro Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

A man purchases every 11 articles for $10 and sells every 10 articles for $11. How many articles should he sell to gain $63?
A. 300
B. 550
C. 440
D. 220
E. None of these

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Wipro Other Question

A man sold 20 articles for $60 and gained 20%. How many articles should he sell for $90 to incur a loss 20%?
A. 45
B. 36
C. 40
D. 50
E. 48
A man sold two books at the same price. On the first book he gained 20% and on the second he gained 30%. By what percent is the cost price of first book more than that of the cost price of the second book?
A. 33.33%
B. 8.33%
C. 28.56%
D. 14.28%
E. 16.66%