Orkut Maths Puzzle

Q. Four whole numbers - a, b, c and d.
such that -
1. ( a + b + c + d ) is a perfect square
2. ( a + b ), ( a + c ), ( a + d ), ( b + c ) , ( b + d ) and ( c + d ) are also each a perfect square. What are the smallest values for a, b, c and d?

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Orkut Other Question

Q. A man started to walk from Town A to Town B at 1200 hrs, and his friend started at two P.M. on the same day to walk from B to A. They met on the road at five minutes past four o'clock, and each man reached his destination at exactly the same time. Can you tell at what time they both arrived at their destination? Q. My room has a square window of 4 feet across and 4 feet down. I decided to get only half the area of the window painted. Even after the painting, I found that the clear part of the window still remained a square and still measured 4 feet from top to bottom and 4 feet from side to side. How is it possible?