GRE Exam Numerical Ability Arithmetic

Jim's annual salary in 1990 was $40,000 and Jose's annual salary was $49,000. If in every year thereafter, Jim received a raise of $3,300 and Jose received a raise of $2,400, which of the following was the first year in which Jim earned more than Jose?

Read Solution (Total 6)

GRE Other Question

Lin and Mark each attempt independently to decode a message. If the
probability that Lin will decode the message is 0.80 and the probability
that Mark will decode the message is 0.70 find the probability that
(a) both will decode the message
(b) at least one of them will decode the message
(c) neither of them will decode the message

If the legislature decides to fund the agricultural subsidy program, national radio, and the small business loan program, what two other programs could they fund?

A. harbor improvements and international airport
B. harbor improvements and school music program
C. hurricane preparedness and school music program
D. hurricane preparedness and international airport
E. harbor improvements and hurricane preparedness