Wipro Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

A bus traveled 462 miles per tankful of gasoline on the highway and 336 miles per tankful of gasoline in the town. If the bus traveled 6 fewer miles per gallon in the town than on the highway, how many miles per gallon did the bus travel in the town?
A. 14
B. 16
C. 21
D. 22
E. 27

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Wipro Other Question

If all of the phone extensions in a certain organisation must be even numbers, and if each of the extensions uses all four of the digits 1, 2, 3, and 6, what is the greatest number of four-digit extensions that the organisation can have?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 12
D. 16
E. 24
At a certain institution, 50 percent of the total number of students are freshmen. If 20 percent of the fresh-men are enrolled in the school of liberal arts and, of these, 30 percent are psychology majors, what percent of the students at the institute are freshmen psychology majors enrolled in the school of liberal arts?
A. 3%
B. 6%
C. 12%
D. 15%
E. 20%