Wipro Company Numerical Ability Averages

The total of the present ages of P, Q, R and S is 96 years. To find out Q's present age, which of the following informations given in statements A and B is/are sufficient ? A. The average age of P, Q and S is 20 years. B. The average age of R and S is 25 years.

a. Both A and B are needed
b. Both A and B are not sufficient
c. Only B is sufficient
d. Only A is sufficient

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Wipro Other Question

Mukesh has twice as much money as Sohan and Sohan has 50% more money than what Pankaj has. If the average money with them is Rs. 110, then Mukesh has :

a. Rs. 55
b. Rs. 60
c. Rs. 90
d. Rs. 180
The average of 5 numbers is 7. When 3 new numbers are added, the average of the eight numbers is 8.5. The average of the three new numbers is :

a. 11
b. 7.75
c. 8.5
d. 7