Wipro Company Numerical Ability Age Problem

The average age of a woman and her daughter is 16 years. The ratio of their ages in 7 : 1 respectively. What is the woman’s age?
a. 4 years
b. 28 years
c. 32 years
d. 6 years
e. None of these

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Wipro Other Question

The price of an article was increased by p%. Later the new price was decreased by p%. If the latest price was Re. 1, the original price was :

a. Re. 1
b. Rs. (1 - p2 / 100)
c. Rs. (10000 / 10000 - p2)
d. Rs. (√1 - p2 / 100)
Deven Invests Rs. 2,34,558 which is 25% of his annual income, in National Saving schemes. Whar is his monthly income?
a. Rs. 9,38,232
b. Rs. 78,186
c. Rs. 4,69,116
d. Rs. 2,34,558
e. None of these