CSC Company

If every 2 out of 3 readymade shirts need alterations in the sleeves, and every 4 out of 5 need it in the body, how many alterations will be required for 60 shirts ?

A. 88 B. 123
C. 133 D. 143

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CSC Other Question

The taxi charges in a city comprise of a fixed charge, together with the charge of the distance covered. For a journey of 16 km, the charges paid are Rs. 156 and for a journey of 24 km, the charges paid are Rs. 204. What will a person have to pay for travelling a distance of 30 km?

A. Rs. 236
B. Rs. 240
C. Rs. 248
D. Rs. 252
At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake hands with each other once. How many handshakes will there be altogether ?

A. 20 B. 45
C. 55 D. 90