CSC Company Numerical Ability Number System

On Children's Day, sweets were to be equally distributed among 175 children in a school. Actually on the Children's Day, 35 children were absent and therefore each child got 4 sweets extra. Total how many sweets were available for distribution ?

A. 2400 B. 2480
C. 2680 D. 2800

Read Solution (Total 6)

CSC Other Question

Nitin's age was equal to square of some number last year and the following year it would be cube of a number. If again Nitin's age has to be equal to the cube of some number, then for how long he will have to wait?

A. 10 years
B. 38 years
C. 39 years
D. 64 years
Between two book-ends in your study are displayed your five favourite puzzle books. If you decide to arrange the five books in every possible combination and moved just one book every minute, how long would it take you ?

A. 1 hour
B. 2 hours
C. 3 hours
D. 4 hours