Syntel Company Numerical Ability Data Sufficiency

By selling an article what is the profit percent gained?
I.5% discount is given on list price.
II.If discount is not given, 20% profit is gained.
III.The cost price of the articles is Rs. 5000.

A. Only I and II B. Only II and II
C. Only I and III D. All I, II and III
E. None of these

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Syntel Other Question

A shopkeeper sells some articles at the profit of 25% on the original price. What is the exact amount of profit? To find the answer, which of the following information given in Statements I and II is/are necessary?
I.Sale price of the article
II.Number of articles sold

A. Only I is necessary
B. Only II is necessary
C. Either I or II is necessary
D. Both I and II are necessary
E. None of these
What was the percentage of discount given?
I.23.5% profit was earned by selling an almirah for Rs. 12,350.
II.If there were no discount, the earned profit would have been 30%.
III.The cost price of the almirah was Rs. 10,000.

A. Only I and II
B. Only II and III
C. Only I and III
D. Any two of the three
E. None of these