Syntel Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

A dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price and uses an 880gm weight instead of a kg. What is his percentage of gain?

1) 13.13%
2) 13.33%
3) 13.36%
4) 13.63%

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Syntel Other Question

The profit obtained by selling an article for Rs.56 is the same as the loss obtained by selling it for Rs.42. What is the cost price of the article?

1) Rs.40
2) Rs.50
3) Rs.49
4) None of these
P sold an article for Rs.1080 thereby losing 10% Q sold another article for Rs.1800 at a loss of 10%. Who incurred a greater loss?

1) P
2) Q
3) Cannot say
4) Both have equal