Syntel Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

A dealer buys a table listed at Rs. 600 and gets successive discount of 10% and 20 %. What is his profit or loss percent if he sells at Rs. 540.
a) 25%
b) 20 %
c) 15 %
d) 17 1/2 %

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Syntel Other Question

Find the cost of an article sold at 20% gain for Rs. 360/-
a) Rs. 400
b) Rs. 260
c) Rs. 200
d) Rs. 300
A washing machine listed at Rs. 3200 is sold to a retailer at successive discounts of 25 % and 15 %. The retailer desires a profit of 20 % of his cost price after allowing a discount of 10 % to the customer. At what price should he list the washing machine.
a) Rs. 3000
b) Rs. 2720
c) Rs. 2200
d) Rs. 2400