Syntel Company Numerical Ability Number System

The result of two consecutive odd numbers is 160; the consecutive odd numbers are ?
a 80,80
b 77, 83
c 79, 81
d 79, 83

Read Solution (Total 1)

Syntel Other Question

The result of two consecutive odd numbers is 8; the consecutive odd numbers are ?
a 3,7
b 3,5
c 1,3
d 5,7
The electricity bill of a certain establishment is partly fixed and partly varies as the number of units of electricity consumed. When in a certain month 540 units are consumed, the bill is Rs. 1800. In another month 620 units are consumed and the bill is Rs. 2040. In yet another month 500 units are consumed. The bill for that month would be:
1. Rs. 1605
2. Rs. 1680
3. Rs. 1840
4. Rs. 2050