Syntel Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

Find the number which when multiplied by 13 is increased by 180:
1. 20
2. 15
3. 12
4. 5

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Syntel Other Question

The numerator of a fraction ismultiple of two numbers. One of the numbers is greater than the other by 2. The greater number is smaller than the denominator by 1. If the denominator is given as 5 + c(c is a constant), then the minimum value of the fraction is:
1. 2/3
2. –2
3. –1/2
4. 1/2
The sum of the digits in a two-digit number is 5. If 9 is subtracted fromthe number, the result is the number with the digits reversed. The number is:
1. 23
2. 24
3. 14
4. 32