Syntel Company Numerical Ability Profit and Loss

The percentage profit earned by selling an article for Usd 1920 is equal to the percentage loss incurred by selling the same article for Usd 1280. At what price should the article be sold to make 25% profit? A.Usd 2000 B. Usd 2200
C. Usd 2400 D.Data inadequate E. None of these

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Syntel Other Question

A man buys a cycle for Usd 1400 and sells it at a loss of 15%. What is the selling price of the cycle?
A. Usd 1090 B.Usd 1160 C. Usd 1190 D. Usd 1202
When a plot is sold for Usd 18,700, the owner loses 15%. At what price must that plot be sold in order to gain 15%?
A. Usd 21,000 B.Usd 22,500 C.Usd 25,300 D. Usd 25,800