Syntel Company Numerical Ability Pipes and Cistern

From a leaking tap 'a' drop come out in 'b'min. if there are 'c' drops in a litre, then in how many hours. one litre of water will be wasted?
[A] 60a/bc
[C] bc/60a
[B] ab/60c
[D] abc/60

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Syntel Other Question

Two taps can fill a tank in 12 and 18 min. respectively . Both are kept open for 2 min. and the first is turned off. In how many min. more will the tank be filled?
[A] 18 min
[C] 16 min
[B] 11 min
[D] 13 min
A tap can fill a swimming pool in h hours. what part of the pool is filled in y hours?
[A] y-h
[C] y/h
[B] y+h
[D] h/y