Syntel Company Numerical Ability Time and Work

Two taps A and B can fill a cistern in 12 min. and 18 min. respectively . They are turned on at the same time. If the tap A is turned off after 4 min., how long will tap B take to fill the rest of the cistern?
[A] 15 min
[C] 8 min
[B] 12 min
[D] 7 min

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Syntel Other Question

A cistern can be filled by two pipes A and B in 7 1/2 h. Both of them are open for 2 1/2 h and then B is closed. A alone now require 6 2/3 h more to fill cistern. How long would A take to fill the cistern working alone?
[A] 8 h
[C] 9 h
[B] 7 h
[D] 10 h
Q. One monkey climbs a poll at the rate of 6mts/min and fell down 3mts in the alternately. Length of the poll is 60 mts , how much time it will take to reach the top?
a. 31