CTS Company

Statements: Some trees are buses
All buses are hats
Conclusions: I Some trees are hats
II. Some hats are trees
III. All hats are buses
IV. Some buses are hats

A) None follow s B) Only I, II and IV follow.
C) Only II , III and IV follow. D) All Follow
E) none of these

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CTS Other Question

Statements: Most clocks are fans
Some fans are walls
Conclusions: I. Some walls are fans
II. Some clocks are walls

(A) if only conclusion I follows; (B) if only conclusion II follows; (C) if either I or II follows;
(D) if neither I nor II follows and (E) if both I and II follow.
Find out the word which does not belong to the group

A ) Yokel B) Upshot C) Lout D) Bumpkin