CTS Company Verbal Ability Spotting Errors

Find the correct sentence.
A) The dacoits being stopped to divide the booty, the police overtook them.
B) The dacoits having stopped to divide the booty, the police had overtaken them
C) The dacoits having stopped for dividing the booty, the police overtook them
D) The dacoits having been stopped for dividing the booty, the police overtook them

Read Solution (Total 3)

CTS Other Question

Statements: Some trees are buses; All buses are hats
Conclusions : I Some trees are hats
II. Some hats are trees
III. All hats are buses
IV. Some buses are hats
A) None follow s B) Only I, II and IV follow.
C) Only II, III and IV follow. D) All Follow E) none of these
Find the correct sentence.
The harassed wife shot herself after bidding her husband the last good bye with a gun
B) The harassed wife with a gun shot herself after bidding her husband the last goodbye
C) The harassed wife shot herself with a gun after bidding her husband the last goodbye.
D) With a gun the harassed wife shot herself, after bidding her husband the last goodbye