CTS Company Logical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning

There r five boxes. In the first box we put some chocolates. Each box the number of choc is reduced by 1/4. The last box contains 4.Then the number of choc in the first box is

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CTS Other Question

Choose the correct order
1) Along the gutters is lingered, 2) its tired breath a pale of chrysanthemum about the street lamps 3) sliding its warm tongue over silent pavements, 4) The gentle fox curled softly down 5) and rubbed its back against the huddled houses 6) then it curled up and slept on corners 7) Slowly it rose and fell, 8) and pressing its blurred face against shop- windows 9) It coiled its body around the black railings.
A) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 B) 2,9,6,8,5,7,4,3,1 C) 4,9,5,1,3,8,7,2,6 D) 9,6,8,5,7,1,4,2,3
Out of 50 men in a town, 30 are Lions club members, 10 are Lions members as well as Rotary club members. There are 3 who do not belong either. Then how many Rotary club members are there?
(a) 15 (b) 18 (c) 20 (d) 25