Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Probability

What is probability (approximate) of a 4 digit cube root random number .
a .0004
b .0005
c .0011
d . 00331

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Elitmus Other Question

How many number of numbers are possible which are greater than10 and less than 1000 in which digit is greater than its left digit? Eg 12,23....but not 11.
1)100 2)120 3)220 4)240
There is a match of 50 ovrs and each over has 6 balls. The run rate of a match is defined as number of runs per over..a team batting first played 50 ovrs with run rate of 7.8.. So what is the number of times in whole match the run rate was exactly 7.8.?
1)600 2)300 3)6 4)50