Capgemini Company Logical Reasoning Mathematical Reasoning

(b) Which letter is represented by the no "5 ?
Ans (b) N

(c) Which no is presented by the letter "E ?
Ans. (d) 6

(d) Which letter is presented by the no "6
Ans. E

(e) Which letter is presented by the no "1

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Capgemini Other Question

q7. Refer to the following data & Ans was the following questions.


(-) D E A N

3 6 5 1

each of 7 digits from 1,2,3,4,5,6 & 9 is represented by letter in the subtraction of problem above.

Q7. (a) Which letter is represented by the number "3
The Parallelogram ABCD, the line CD ha midpoint E frm line AB, then the ration of Traingle AED / parallelogram ABCD=