CADENCE Company General Ability General Knowledge

Q. Zulus always speak truth and Hutus always speak lies. There are three persons A, B & C. A met B and says " I am a Zulu or I am Hutu". We don't know what exactly he said. then B meets C and says to c that " A is a Zulu ". Then C replied " No, A is a Hutu ".

How many Zulus are there ?

Who must be a Zulu ?

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CADENCE Other Question

a) only statement A is sufficient , B is not
b) only statement B
c) both are necessary
d) both are not sufficient.

X is an integer. Is X divisible by 5?
A) 2X is divisible by 5.
B) 10X is divisible by 5.
Q. A father F has 5 sons, p, q, r, s, t. Not necessarily in this order. Two are of same age. The eldest and youngest cannot be twins. T is elder to r and younger to q and s has three older brothers.
q) who are the twins?
q) who is the oldest and youngest?