Infosys Company Numerical Ability Data Interpretation

There is a cube in which one pair of opposite faces is painted red ; the second pair of opposite faces is painted blue and the third pair of opposite
faces is painted green. This cube is now cut into 512 smaller but identical cubes.
11. How many small cubes are there with no red paint at all ?
a)256 b)144 c)384 d)400 e)220
12. How many small cubes are there with at least two different colours on their faces?
a)96 b)64 c)120 d)80 e)60
13. How many small cubes are there without any face painted ?
a)64 b)125 c)216 d)343 e)120
14. How many small cubes are there with only red and green on their faces ?
a)24 b)12 c)27 d)16 e)12
15. How many small cubes are there showing only green or only blue on their faces ?
a)64 b)144 c)125 d)169 e)122

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