self Maths Puzzle

From 12:00A.M. to 11.59A.M.,how many times is the sum of the digits of the time equal to 15?

Eg: 12:48 (1+2+4+8=15)

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self Other Question

By Using the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 make two four digit numbers and multiply them together. What is the smallest and largest answer you can get? THERE ARE 10 CHOCOLATE BOXES,IN EACH BOX THERE ARE 10 CHOCOLATES OF EACH 10 GRAMS.BUT IN ONE CHOCOLATE BOX,10 CHOCOLATES OF 11 GRAMS.NOW ONE RUPEE COIN IS GIVEN TO WIGHT FOR AN INSTANCE.WITH IN ONE TRIAL WE HAVE TO FIND WHICH CHOCOLATE BOX CONTAINS 11 GRAMS OF EACH CHOCOLATE.