Others Maths Puzzle

A hill of 440 yards is there. Two competitors JACK and JILL go up the hill, first JACK reaches the topmost and immediatly starts back and meet JILL 20 yards from the topmost point. Finally JACK reaches the starting point 0.5 minutes earler than JILL. Speed while coming down is 1.5 times the speed of going up. Find the time taken by JACK for whole journey (880 yards)?

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Others Other Question

There is an unbalanced common balance ie., one side is heavier than the other.

If a 1kg weight is placed in left side it is equal to 8 oranges on the otherside.

If we weigh 1 kg on the right side it is equal to 2 oranges on the left side.
Find the weight of each orange
In a village, there are
wives who know each other. All of them know a rumor. If one calls another one over the telephone, they can share every rumor they know. At least how many calls are necessary to get every wife to know every rumor??