self Maths Puzzle

Three people enter a room and have a green or blue hat placed on their head. They cannot see their own hat, but can see the other hats.

The color of each hat is purely random. They could all be green, or blue, or any combination of green and blue.

They need to guess their own hat color by writing it on a piece of paper, or they can write "pass".

They cannot communicate with each other in any way once the game starts. But they can have a strategy meeting before the game.

If at least one of them guesses correctly they win $50,000 each, but if anyone guess incorrectly they all get nothing.

What is the best strategy?

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self Other Question

There are three Athletes (Alex, Brook and Chris) and their individual Coaches (Murphy, Newlyn and Oakley) standing on the shore.

No Coach trusts their Athlete to be near any other Coach unless they are also with them.

There is a boat that can hold a maximum of two persons.

How can the six people get across the river?
A blind-folded man is handed a deck of 52 cards and told that exactly 10 of these cards are facing up.

How can he divide the cards into two piles (possibly of different sizes) with each pile having the same number of cards facing up?